Do you ever wonder what being pro-life has in common with being pro-gun, pro-death penalty, and pro tort-reform? What does a conservative position on taxation have to do with a conservative position on the environment?
And why do progressives have the exact opposite position on all of these issues? Why aren’t things more mixed up?
George Lakoff was wondering about connections. He couldn’t find them in the Bible, in schools, or in philosophy books. He found the connections in a most surprising place: the Family.
Lakeoff argues quite persuasively that to understand why conservatives and progressives are polar opposites on issues and are so “whacked out” about each others positions can be traced to views on the family. Specifically, a Strick Father model, or a Nurturing Parent model.
Let’s take a look at these 2 models:
The Strick Father Model (Ward Cleaver)
The Strick Father model utilizes a very traditional “50’s” version of the family.
The father has the primary responsibility of supporting and protecting the family as well as the authority to set overall family policy. Children are never coddled lest they become spoiled or dependent. Self discipline and self-reliance are taught, almost as tough love. Morality is based upon reward and punishment. Survival depends upon competition and individual strength.
The Nurturing Father Model (Cliff Huxtable)
A family of preferrably 2 parents but perhaps only one. If 2, the parents share household responsibilities. The primal experience is one of caring and being cared about. Living as happily as possible, deriving meaning from mutual interaction and care. Children develop best through positive relationships to others, contributing to their community. Empathy and responsibility are core values. Punishment is not as prevelant as understanding and caring
So if we understand the 2 Fathers, then let’s try to understand their position in relation to politics. Let’s assume the following:
- The nation is a family
- The government is a parent
- The citizens are the children
If we apply the Strick Father Model, then the Government would support and protect the citizens, never coddle or spoil its citizens lest they become dependent. Programs & policies reflect an environment where citizens are expected to be self disciplined and self-reliant. Morality is based upon Reward and Punishment. Survival depends upon competition and individual strength.
Sound familiar? That's a pretty good description of a Conservative’s ideal government.
If we apply the Nurturing Parent Model, a government provides care for those in need. Programs & policies reflect community care, helping individuals to develop. Empathy, fairness, and responsibility are core values. Punishment is not as prevelant as understanding and caring.
Progressives won’t argue that this describes a government they would like.
Seems like a perfect fit, doesn’t it? Now apply these models to any individual issue.
WARD: Illegal immigrants. Punish them for crossing. Protect us with a fence. Business must not be punished.
CLIFF: Economic Refugees shouldn't be punished. Illegal employers aren't playing fair. People working to survive should not be punished.
Every time you hear a Conservative try to frame his position on an issue, think about Ward Cleaver. Every time you hear a Progressive try to defend his position on an issue, think about Cliff Huxtable.
Does it allow you to explain away your objections to the other’s position? No, but it does allow you to understand the root ideology behind their position and helps you to begin a dialog to mediate. Don’t get angry. Understand their values and help them to understand your values. Solutions, compromise, and consensus are just around the corner.
I can’t begin to do justice to the words of Lakeoff. I encourage everyone to read his book, Moral Politics. You’ll never listen to the other side the same way again….
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